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iJam 音樂工作坊|第三集:GarageBand製作之路

iJam 音樂工作坊|第三集:GarageBand製作之路

【行喇喂!】 上集帶大家了解咗GarageBand基本功能後,相信大家都急不及待想開始製作自己嘅音樂,一展身手喇🦸‍♂️今集DAWN老師將會示範更多GarageBand基本操作技巧,小至音量調節🔊,大至編輯樂段✂️ 同你逐一講解~ 仲會重點解說素材庫,教大家從海量資源之中搵出想要嘅音樂材料,用嚟豐富自己嘅樂曲🌟。 埋位開工💪💪 ⚡「十八有藝」YouTube頻道每逢星期三、五會推出最新一集嘅「iJam 音樂工作坊」,直至3 月中~~ 訂閱之後撳埋鐘仔🔔 就一定唔會錯過喇! 在「臉書」追蹤我們: [Time for Hands-on Practice!] Can’t wait to strut your stuff and start making your own music? 🦸‍♂️In this episode, GarageBand wizard DAWN will show you a few more basic techniques, from volume adjustment🔊 to audio sequence editing✂️. She will also help you pick from the enormous Sound Library the resources you need to spice up your own score.🌟 Click to go👉🏻: 💥A new episode on air every Wed and Fri until mid-March. Subscribe to 18dART" YouTube Channel and press the bell too so that you won't miss it! 🔔 Follow us on Facebook: #十八有藝 #18dArt #九龍城區 #趙增熹 #網上工作坊 #OnlineWorkshop #MusicProduction #GarageBand
iJam 音樂工作坊|第四集:流行曲元素(上)

iJam 音樂工作坊|第四集:流行曲元素(上)

90年代香港樂壇嘅「四大天王」相信大家都知道,咁你又知唔知流行曲嘅「四大元素」係咩?🧐 今集DAWN老師💁‍♀️將會介紹其中兩個常見元素:Harmony & Bass,講解佢哋嘅作用同埋相應嘅樂器🎻🥁 仲會教大家喺GarageBand素材庫搵合適嘅素材,可以按照喜好選擇唔同類型嘅樂器,創作自己鍾意嘅旋律。🎼 💭聽咗幾集講解,係時候郁郁手指,發揮你哋嘅音樂小宇宙💥,錄製第一首屬於自己嘅樂曲!🔉 ⚡「十八有藝」YouTube頻道每逢星期三、五推出最新一集嘅「iJam 音樂工作坊」,直至3月中~~ 訂閱之後撳埋鐘仔🔔 就一定唔會錯過喇! 在「臉書」追蹤我們: Basic Elements of Pop Music (1/2) You’re probably no stranger to the “Four Heavenly Kings” in 1990s Cantopop. So do you know what the four big elements of pop music are? 🧐 This episode, GarageBand expert DAWN💁‍♀️ will first introduce two of them – Harmony and Bass, including their functions, related musical instruments 🎻🥁 and suitable resources from the Sound Library. Start fleshing out your melody line with these tools!🎼 ⚡A new episode on air every Wed and Fri until mid-March. Subscribe to “18dART" YouTube Channel and press the bell too so that you won't miss it! Follow us on Facebook: #十八有藝 #18dArt #九龍城區 #趙增熹 #網上工作坊 #OnlineWorkshop #MusicProduction #GarageBand #流行曲 #PopMusic #和音 #低音 #Harmony #Bass
iJam 音樂工作坊|第五集:流行曲元素(下)

iJam 音樂工作坊|第五集:流行曲元素(下)

【流行曲元素(下)】⁣ ⁣ 上集講咗Harmony & Bass,今集介紹埋其餘兩個元素:Drum🥁& Effect🎶。鼓聲大家就聽得多,原來Drum可以由其他唔同樂器組成,仲有好多種玩法添🤩!除咗樂器之外,仲可以加入唔同嘅聲效,推高音樂嘅層次感💫。⁣ ⁣ 學埋Drum & Effect,大致上就可以完成一首流行曲喇!🎼 ⁣ ⁣ ⚡「十八有藝」YouTube頻道每逢星期三、五推出最新一集嘅「iJam 音樂工作坊」,直至3月中~~ 訂閱之後撳埋鐘仔🔔 就一定唔會錯過喇!⁣ 在「臉書」追蹤我們: ⁣ [Basic Elements of Pop Music (2)] ⁣ Following Harmony and Bass, this episode shines a light on the remaining two elements: Drum 🥁 and Effect. 🎶 As it happens, Drum is not just about drums – musical instruments outside of the genre are used and it can be rendered in many different ways! 🤩 You may also throw in the sound effects you fancy to enrich your music’s texture. ⁣ ⁣ So after this lesson, you’ll have the basic tools ready in your arsenal for a pop song. Welcome aboard! ⛵⁣ ⁣ ⚡A new episode on air every Wed and Fri until mid-March. Subscribe to “18dART" YouTube Channel and press the bell too so that you won't miss it! ⁣ ⁣ Follow us on Facebook: #十八有藝 #18dArt #九龍城區 #趙增熹 #網上工作坊 #OnlineWorkshop #MusicProduction
iJam 音樂工作坊|第七集:創作人訪談(下)

iJam 音樂工作坊|第七集:創作人訪談(下)

【創作人訪談(下)】 今集邀請到另一位「大台主」學員——Mark繼續分享創作歷程💬 由蘊釀靈感🧚‍♀️ ,到點樣一手包辦曲、詞、編、唱,過程全面披露🤩 同上集一樣,Mark會挑戰喺20分鐘內即席作歌🎶 想成為創作人嘅你,即刻嚟學嘢! 📣嚟緊3月19號晚上9點將會舉行網上直播,監製趙增熹同嘉賓一齊分享更多創作故事,記低日子喇⏰! ⁣ ⚡「十八有藝」YouTube頻道每逢星期三、五推出最新一集嘅「iJam 音樂工作坊」,直至3 月中~~ 訂閱之後撳埋鐘仔🔔 就一定唔會錯過!⁣ 在「臉書」追蹤我們: [Artist Interview (2/2)] Mark, another "My Main Stage'' participant, talks about his music-making in great detail: from the moment the muse strikes 🧚‍♀️ to how he masters everything from composing, lyric-writing, arranging to singing. 🤩 He’ll also accept the same challenge as in the previous episode, completing a new piece in just 20 minutes before our very eyes! 📣Bookmark the live-stream session on March 19, 9pm, ⏰ where famed producer Chiu Tsang-hei and guests share the inside scoop about the highs and lows of being a creative. ⚡A new episode on air every Wed and Fri until mid-March. Subscribe to “18dART" YouTube Channel and press the bell 🔔 too so that you won't miss it! ⁣ ⁣ Follow us on Facebook: #十八有藝 #18dART #九龍城區 #趙增熹 #網上工作坊 #OnlineWorkshop #MusicProduction #GarageBand #流行曲 #PopMusic #MusicSharing #作曲 #編曲 #iJam
iJam 音樂工作坊|第八集:軟硬兼施

iJam 音樂工作坊|第八集:軟硬兼施

軟硬兼施】 上幾堂掌握咗軟件知識之後,係時候學吓點樣配合埋其他硬件⚒️,充分運用GarageBand嘅功能。今次DAWN仲邀請咗嘉賓Monkey自彈自唱其中一首作品,示範點樣喺GarageBand入面,加入唔同音樂器材去錄音🎤,再進行各項編輯工作~✂️ 更多進階知識豐富你嘅作品🚀,啱晒有心人! 📣嚟緊3月19號晚上9點將會舉行網上直播,監製趙增熹同嘉賓一齊分享創作故事,記低日子喇⏰! ⁣ ⚡「十八有藝」YouTube頻道每逢星期三、五推出最新一集嘅「iJam 音樂工作坊」,直至3 月中~~ 訂閱之後撳埋鐘仔🔔 就一定唔會錯過喇!⁣ 在「臉書」追蹤我們: [Both Hard and Soft] After going through the software, this episode sheds light on the hardware ⚒️ to equip you with the knowledge you need to get the most out of GarageBand. While performing his own song, our guest Monkey will show you how to add extra plug-ins for recording 🎤 and editing. ✂️ Level up your creations in more advanced ways!🚀 📣Bookmark the live-stream session on March 19, 9pm, ⏰ where famed producer Chiu Tsang-hei and guests share the inside scoop about the highs and lows of being a creative. ⚡A new episode on air every Wed and Fri until mid-March. Subscribe to “18dART" YouTube Channel and press the bell 🔔 too so that you won't miss it! ⁣ Follow us on Facebook: ⁣ #十八有藝 #18dART #九龍城區 #趙增熹 #網上工作坊 #OnlineWorkshop #MusicProduction #GarageBand #流行曲 #PopMusic
iJam 音樂工作坊|第九集:音效台

iJam 音樂工作坊|第九集:音效台

【音效台:你嘅音樂化妝箱!】⁣⁣ ⁣ 平時出街扮靚會化妝💄,你又知唔知原來音樂都有「化妝品」?🧐⁣⁣ 今集講解點樣用GarageBand嘅音效台去豐富自己嘅創作,令歌曲有起承轉合嘅戲劇效果🎭 學識之後,大家就可以盡情發揮創意,用各種音效幫自己嘅心血結晶化妝啦!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣📣📣📣3月19號(六)晚上9點:網上直播——監製趙增熹親自聯同嘉賓分享更多創作故事,仲會即場解答大家嘅創作疑難!🔙🔙🔙⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ 「十八有藝」YouTube頻道推出嘅「iJam 音樂工作坊」,今個星期五就係最後一集喇😯 訂閱之後撳埋鐘仔就一定唔會錯過!⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 在「臉書」追蹤我們: [Ginger Up Your Music with FX]⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Makeup 💄 makes you look better; so is there any makeup too for the music you make?🧐⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ In this episode, DAWN explains how to pep up your work and labour of love 💖 using GarageBand’s FX panel.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 📣📣📣 Live stream on March 19 (Sat), 9pm: Famed producer Chui Tsang-hei and guests talk about their creative journeys and answer your questions on the spot! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ iJam’s final episode on air this Friday. 😯 Subscribe to “18dART” YouTube Channel and press the bell too so that you won't miss it! ⁣⁣⁣ Follow us on Facebook: ⁣ #十八有藝 #18dART #九龍城區 #趙增熹 #網上工作坊 #OnlineWorkshop #MusicProduction #GarageBand #流行曲 #PopMusic

16TH Productions Limited

​Music Course|Stage Production|Performance Planning


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